Pink treeChurch History


First Presbyterian Church, Ashby, MN

This congregation of the Presybterian Church (USA) celebrated 125 years of proclaiming the gospel in December 2013 as its confirmed membership has seen steady growth, especially of young families with children.  The congregation has an active core leadership made up of a blend of men and women, those who have life long membership as well as those who have a much briefer connection.  Together, there is a spirit of joy and belonging as they sense God's guiding and leading Spirit calling them to faithful worship and service.


Our Savior's-Ten Mile Lake Lutheran Church, Dalton, MN

This congregation of the ELCA has nearly 300 baptized who claim a relationship with the community of faith.  In 1987, the Our Savior's Lutheran Church merged with Ten Mile Lake Lutheran Church after fire burned the Ten Mile Lake building and they have been known as Our Savior's-Ten Mile Lake ever since.  A rich Scandinavian heritage is the foundation of the church that now is reaching beyond its ethnicity to the community and the world with the love of Christ.  The church seeks to be a partner in our conference, our synod and in the church wide expression as we make Christ known.


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