Who We Are
First Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church-United States (PC-USA), which has approximately 1.8 million members and is the largest and most visible Presbyterian denomination in North America. Headquarters for the PC-USA are located in Louisville, KY. First Presbyterian Church is also a member of the Presbytery of the Minnesota Valleys, comprised of 59 congregations and 7,480 members in the westsern part of Minnesota, stretching from the Brainerd area, south to Marshall, MN.
Our Savior's -Ten Mile Lake Lutheran Church is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, made up of nearly 5 million members, and 10,000 congregations in the United States. ELCA headquarters are located in Chicago, IL. OS-TML is also part of the NW Minnesota Synod, one of the largest of the 65 Synods that make up the ELCA, with 97,000 members and 241 congregations located in western Minnesota.